Been a while

So its been just over a week since I have been on here….and I do apologise. There has been so much going on.

It’s nearing the time for my grandmothers funeral and I am yet to cry fully..with 2 babies and sewing my bibs I have been unavailable to myself.

2015-11-16 22.51.26

It’s unbelievable the way you throw yourself into things when things happen suddenly…DribbleWibbleTots has been so therapeutic….Sewing has been such a release of anger for me.

Making lovely products for customers is lovely. I watch my children and just want to safeguard them from all the wrongs in the world but it’s not possible.

Can you tell that my mind is racing….so many different topics I want to talk about….but currently don’t have the right words…

Both babies have been in bed for 3 hours and I have spent my time sewing…Sewing and thinking.

Make your dreams reality….do what makes you happy….The world is my oyster…I will make this happen for me.

DribbleWibbleTots has reached over 500likes and I’m so proud and so happy about all the support so thank you.

Small businesses matter….Our children matter…entrepreneurs matter.



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